Investor FAQs

Investor FAQs

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Where is Personalis’ corporate headquarters?
Personalis’ principal executive offices are located at 6600 Dumbarton Cir Fremont, CA 94555. The main phone number is (650) 752-1300.
Where and when was Personalis incorporated?
Personalis, Inc. was incorporated in Delaware in 2011.
On what stock exchange are Personalis’ shares traded, and what is the ticker symbol?
Personalis is traded on The Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol PSNL.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases?
Personalis’ latest press releases can be found here
When does Personalis’ fiscal year end?
Personalis’ fiscal year end is December 31.
Does Personalis pay dividends?
Personalis does not expect to declare or pay any cash dividends on our common stock, as we intend to retain any future earnings to finance the operation and expansion of our business.
Who are Personalis' independent registered public accountants?
Personalis’ independent registered public accountants are Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Who is Personalis’ transfer agent?
Personalis uses Computershare Trust Company, N.A. Communication regarding transfer requirements, lost certificates, and changes of address should be directed to Computershare’s Shareholder Services at +1-800-736-3001 (toll free) or +1-781-575-3100 (international).
When is Personalis’ next earnings release?
Personalis will issue a national press release that includes the date and time of our quarterly earnings call. When the release is issued, a copy will be posted here, and an event will be posted on the Events section of our website along with the details for attending a conference and/or webcast hosted by the Company to discuss the results.
How do I contact Investor Relations with a question or request?
You can submit queries to